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Welcome to Up-Grade Alternative Provision Setting

Education for the 

whole child

For those who can't access school, have significant emotional and behavioural needs, and SEN. Up-Grade Training and Therapy have designed an environment and a program for young people who so often go missing in the education system.

Contact us

"Hi Dan, I hope you and the family are well.

I just thought to let you know I have an apprenticeship because of the work I did at the primary school and how grateful I am that you encouraged me to do that, I am working in Nursery and completing a Level 2 Diploma in Childcare. I really love my job Dan and enjoy what i do.I am working with children aged between 1-2 years so a bit different to the primary school but I find it so rewarding and love seeing the children go home with a smile on their face, don’t get me wrong some days are hard but there’s more good than bad. I am very grateful for all your support from all that time ago on helping me to achieve one my goals my now. And I also have now a Level 2 Diploma in Business!"

Former Up-Grade Student

  • Non-traditional, fully equipped classroom complete with WIFI, interactive whiteboard and educational resources. Two-to-one supervision for student to teacher and teaching assistant, available. 

  • Therapeutic quiet-room and library. This room is padded for safety and comfort and is complete with mindfulness games and educational resources. Two-to-one supervision for student to teacher and teaching assistant, available. 

  • Recording studio for music lessons and audio learning. Software includes voice to text technology for those with motor difficulties. Two-to-one supervision for student to teacher and teaching assistant, available. 

  • Onsite PE cabin with matted surface and carefully selected, safe physical education equipment. Two-to-one supervision for student to teacher and teaching assistant, available. 

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